24 hour Live-in Care

CaringForU Inc. has developed and offers an exceptionally high quality and highly reliable 24 Hour Live-in Care program for seniors. This can be provided for 1 day a week, up to 7 days a week. The nature of this care is such that we carefully assess the senior’s needs and bring together a sound Client Services Support Plan and one or more specially trained live-in caregivers who have a passion for live-in care for seniors.

This support program usually costs less than half of the cost of hourly care. There are many seniors who cannot live independently for a short period of time due to recovery from a medical problem or for the long term given physical and/or cognitive challenges.

There are many seniors who are generally healthy but have had cognitive changes that have significantly degrade their short term memory. A seriously degraded memory can virtually disable a senior’s ability to perform their key Activities of Daily Living.

The Activities of Daily Living include:

  • Eating
  • Bathing
  • Toileting
  • Transferring
  • Continence

There are other very important activities a senior should be able to perform to live properly.

  • Ambulation (walking)
  • Grooming
  • Taking medications safely
  • Managing money
  • Shopping for groceries, clothing and other supplies
  • Telephone use

If a senior exhibits certain cognitive or physical characteristics such as those listed below they may be a prime candidate for 24 Hour Live-In Care. Some of these symptoms may be short term or long term.

  • Inability to walk
  • Inability to properly feed themselves or eat properly
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Short term memory loss
  • Wandering